Un inconnu sauve la vie d’un surfeur à Bells
Dans de petites vagues faciles à Bells Beach, un surfeur a été victime d’un accident de surf avec traumatisme crânien (encore un !) et hémorragie sur une large plaie du cuir chevelu.
Une personne non-identifiée l’a sorti de l’eau, a tenté de juguler son saignement abondant et l’a conduit de la plage jusqu’au parking d’où il a été transporté au Geelong Hospital.
Le sauveteur providentiel a sauvé le surfeur de la noyade.
La police a lancé un appel à témoins pour retrouver l’homme mystérieux et le récompenser.
La chef de la police témoigne sur Geelong Advertiser :
« The amount of blood loss the man suffered just while he was here at the station was incredible, » Sen-Constable Kearney said. « It was not a small cut on his head, it was a large chunk. The blood was pumping out of his head. He was in and out of consciousness while he was here. »
« I’d like to nominate him for a bravery award because he really has saved this man’s life, » she said. « He’s done a great job ». « That man (the surfer) is lucky to be alive, he would have drowned. »It’s believed the injured man was surfing on his own and hit his head in an accident. The rescue occurred about 6pm. (…)Sen-Constable Kearney appealed for anyone who saw the incident or who knew the rescuer to contact her at the Torquay Police Station on 5264 3400.
Lire l’article (Read full article) : http://www.geelongadvertiser.com.au/article/2009/06/05/75895_news.html
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